Monday, 4 May 2015

Monday Mural

The previous weekend there was Robbie Williams concert at Abu Dhabi, Du Arena concert hall. It is just 100 km away from Dubai. At the concert area I saw this wall just finished.
In these days it happens more in Dubai, they arrange space for Graffiti artist at different evets so they can show their arts.  These artists also contribute art festivals as well.
Posted for Monday Mural.
Taken by mobile
Sorry for the late post.


  1. This looks a lot like Eskimo art.

    1. I haven't seen Eskimo art. I will Google it. Thank you Sharo. Have a nice week.

  2. It does remind me of that Inuit-Eskimo style.

  3. The eyes look like Picasso. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Fresh out of the can! Love the balance of color. I see Inuit, MirĂ³, and Mondrian. I wonder if the artist intended these references. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
